Bear Learns Systematic Muscle Relaxation

Walking the Path of The Chief

Stretching Polar Bear
Long ago, Bear wanted to walk the path of The Chief. After speaking with Chief Buffalo, Bear sought out Cougar for some advice.

“Hello Cougar,” said Bear. “I wonder if you could help me with something?”

“Greetings Bear,” said Cougar, “Even though I sensed you coming from quite a distance, you surprise me! I don’t think you’ve ever asked me for help before. What can I do for you?”

“Well…,” said Bear, feeling somewhat embarrassed, “I’ve recently decided to try and walk the path of The Chief. I was talking to Chief Buffalo and it became clear that to walk this path, I will need some help from others.”

“If I would someday be a chief, I must honestly look at my strengths and weaknesses. The problem is my temper. Chiefs need to be thoughtful. Sometimes, when I get angry, I cannot control my own feelings and behaviors. Sometimes I cannot think at all. I become angry just because I get frustrated or even having to wait too long for something I want.”

“That would be a big problem if you were a cougar,” said Cougar. “We cougars have learned how to be very patient. We have to lie still for hours waiting for our prey to walk right by. Then, in an instant, we leap!”

“Can you teach me that kind of patience?” said Bear.

“I can teach you the way we teach our kits” said Cougar. “But you will have to make a commitment. It is a skill that seems easy enough to do, but it will only work to change you if you practice every day. You have to train your muscles to tense and then relax.”

Cougar on white

To learn what Bear learned from Cougar, check out Bear Clan relaxation tools on the Tools page. You’ll find audio you can stream or download, text of the Bear Clan Systematic Muscle Relaxation sequence, and a tracking form you can download.



Do you teach relaxation, meditation, mindfulness, or other related techniques to your child-clients?

What barriers have you found to getting your clients to commit to these practices?

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