Welcome to Bear Clan, LLC

The Elevator Pitch

As a children’s therapist I’ve discovered there are four key roles I need to fill for my clients.

First, I need to inspire my clients. In general, they come to me not really thrilled about “having” to be in therapy. I need to become their muse and inspire them to express themselves and to form a therapeutic relationship.

Second, I need to teach my clients. I need to be effective at teaching coping and emotional regulation skills like relaxation, cognitive skills like how to problem-solve, and behavioral skills like how to get away from negative peer pressure.

Third, I need to coach my clients. I need to help them master new skills and implement new ways of thinking. I need to help them achieve peak performance.

Fourth, I need to mentor my clients. I need to help them develop excellent character, values, and beliefs that will put them on the path to becoming a successful adult.

These kids face incredible challenges in life. The odds are stacked against them. I need to help them become the hero in their own life story.

Inspire. Teach. Coach. Mentor. Help people find balance and transformation. That’s what I write about.

Please explore the website, comment on blogs, send me emails, subscribe to get email updates from me, and become an active participant in shaping the future of Bear Clan!

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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