A Clear Mind is Like a Clear Path

Part 10 of the Two-Wolves Story Arc

Woves hunting Deer on White
After a much needed rest day, Kit and Coyote continued their journey across the south-lands.

“Where was I in telling you about Coyote-Thinking?” asked Coyote, one evening.

“You said that Coyote-Thinking begins with seeking a Clear Vision. That vision is the northern border of my journey map. I start with my immediate problem, and figure out what the bigger journey is all about,” said Kit.

“That’s very good,” said Coyote. “What comes next?”

“Then you work on having a Clear Heart,” said Kit. “Where finding a Clear Vision is about WHAT you’re seeking to discover, finding a Clear Heart is about WHY you are going on that journey. My inspiration and motivation forms the eastern border of my journey map.”

“I can tell that you were listening,” said Coyote. “To travel with a Clear Heart, it helps to think about WHY that journey will change your life for the better. Travel is hard. Change is difficult. Remembering your “why” will help keep you on your path.”

“After you do your best to have Clear Vision and Clear Heart, you figure out how to have Clear Mind,” said Kit. “I think that’s as far as we got.”

“Excellent!” said Coyote. “Do you remember the 3 Zones of Awareness practiced by The Scout?”

“What’s going on inside of me, what’s going on in my immediate surroundings, and what’s going on in the larger surroundings,” said Kit.

“As you travel on your journey, as you move through your day, the successful coyote practices awareness. This means learning to always pay attention to what your senses tell you is going on inside yourself, in your immediate surroundings, and in the larger surroundings.

“Paying attention to your senses can actually help clear your mind, but it is not enough” said Coyote. “Remember that fear clouds the mind. A Clear Mind is like a clear path. The successful coyote is look for four things on the path:

  • Fear-of-The-Cold is the fear that the world is too difficult a place. So, first, coyotes learn to always look for WHERE, WHEN, and HOW basic needs will be met. It’s very hard to think if you’re worried about your own safety and security. As you follow your path look at the challenges of the world with Respect, not with Fear.
  • Fear-of-Being-Alone is the fear that the world is too difficult to manage by yourself. So, second, coyotes learn to always look for WHO could be an ally. Even when your allies are not present they give you a sense of belonging that gives you the courage to explore. To find allies on your path, treat others with Love, not with Fear.
  • Fear-of-The-Woods is the fear of becoming lost in a dangerous world. So, third, coyotes learn to always look for the OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS on your path. Look for the Truth in the world, don’t fear to explore.
  • Fear-of-The-Dark is the fear of becoming lost in the negativity of your own mind. So, fourth, coyotes learn to always look for the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES they bring with them on their path. Look at yourself with Honesty, don’t fear your own dark thoughts.”

“That’s a lot to remember,” said Kit. “Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats….”

“It’s SWOT we coyotes do!” said Coyote, suddenly rolling around laughing.

“You’re a ridiculous creature,” said Kit, smiling with affection.

Kit and Coyote continued on together for a time when suddenly Coyote stiffened.

“Take a look at that track,” said Coyote.

“Is that a wolf?” said Kit, tensing up.

“That is a wolf,” said Coyote, “and look, there’s more. At least three wolves have been this way, just a little while ago.”

“I don’t like wolves,” said Kit, in a tight voice.

“Wolf was part of the Great-Council,” said Coyote, “and will not harm you. All the animals at the Great-Council promised Chief Buffalo that they would help you. But if three wolves, and there might be more, find a lone coyote, they’ll attack.”

“Maybe they’ll leave you alone since you’re with me.”

“That is not how the world works. That’s not Truth,” said Coyote. “I think we should separate until we’re out of their territory. I’ve been heading more north and west lately. By next moon the salmon will be filling up the rivers. Head that way and we’ll meet again tomorrow or the next day.”

Kit had gotten used to spending part of each day, and each evening, with Coyote. This plan made Kit nervous and a little afraid.

“If you meet Wolf, I’d appreciate it if you don’t mention me,” said Coyote, who quickly raced away and was soon out of sight.

Almost right away, Kit felt alone and started to worry about the path ahead. Where will I next find water? What will I eat today? Where should I spend the night? What if I see a wolf!

Then Kit thought about Coyote-Thinking. Okay, thought Kit, What I need to do is travel a bit north and a bit west. I’ll look for allies and if I talk to any animals, instead of asking about the Spirit-Keeper, I’ll ask about places to find water and food on my path. I’ll look out for opportunities and for threats. I can do this!

With renewed confidence, Kit set out in the general direction Coyote had last taken. Around mid-day Kit noticed some deer tracks. Kit followed those tracks and soon came upon a small group of deer.

“Hello deer,” called out Kit. “It’s Kit of the Bear people. I wonder if I could speak with you for a moment?”

“Greetings Kit,” said Deer. “We respect Chief Buffalo and the promise we made to help you. In what way can we assist?”

“I’m new to this area, and was curious if there’s any water nearby?”

“If you head toward the setting sun you’ll come to a river before dark,” said Deer.

“Thank you,” said Kit. “By any chance have you heard of the 7 Fears?”

“Of course. I can tell you all about the 7 Fears of All People,” said Deer.

Suddenly, a wolf burst from the brush running straight at the deer! In an instant the deer were all in motion as another wolf appeared from one flank and yet another from the opposite side. Kit was frozen in shock as the deer ran away, pursued by a pack of wolves!

In an instant, Kit was alone. Kit’s legs and stomach felt weak. Kit could hardly think, but started looking around for a good hiding spot. Seeing a group of boulders in the near distance, Kit started to run.

Arriving at the rocks, Kit dropped to the ground, gasping for air. Kit quickly scrambled around to the far side and sat down against the rock. Kit’s arms and legs were trembling. Slowly…, Kit was able to breath more smoothly.

After a few minutes, Kit crawled around the rock to take a look. Twenty feet away sat a huge wolf, and it was looking right at Kit!

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