A lot’s been going on behind the scenes at Bear Clan, llc and this is the first of what will be several exciting announcements!
For the past two years, I’ve been retired from 40+ years of directing residential treatment programs, social service programs, and serving as a therapist for children and parents. I’ve focused instead on fully developing my integrated approach to therapy and counseling so that it can be more effectively shared with others.
One result is the publication of my first book, Becoming Centered: A Field Guide to Self-Counseling. It shares a powerful way to understand your own personal psychology, and tools and techniques for navigating your way through life’s challenges.
Integrating ancient traditional practices, multiple approaches to psychotherapy, principles of wilderness awareness, and perspectives from modern neuro-psychology, Becoming Centered teaches you how to use conscious and unconscious aspects of your brain to find your balance and find your path toward being the best version of yourself.
Through stories, concrete exercises, and eye-opening perspectives, you’ll learn effective ways to return to center when you become emotionally unbalanced; to become cognitively organized when you become confused; to walk the path of behavioral health; and to effectively tap into the conscious and unconscious abilities of your brain to manage your own life.
Becoming Centered: A Field Guide to Self-Counseling has just become available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle formats. I hope you’ll check it out and I hope it helps you see that you can be, and are, the hero of your own life-story!
Especially as a new author, if you find value in this book, I hope you’ll leave a review at Amazon and share its release with your network and tribe of people!
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