I’m a psychotherapist and business leader with over 40 years of experience helping individuals, families, and organizations become centered and balanced.
My educational background includes a degree in Psychology from Harvard University, a Master of Social Work degree from The Simmons School of Social Work, and a Master of Business Administration degree from The University of New Hampshire.
Over the course of my career, I’ve designed and directed a number of treatment and social service programs including:
- an architecturally-secure psychiatric facility,
- a certified drug and alcohol treatment center,
- an independent living preparation program,
- two intensive residential treatment programs,
- an emergency shelter for homeless families,
- a foster grandparent program,
- a youth-mentoring program, and
- an interfaith caregivers program.
I’ve helped lead three different programs through successfully becoming nationally accredited through the Joint Commission and through the Council on Accreditation. I’ve also spoken at regional and national conferences on children’s residential treatment, youth-mentoring, and homelessness. I’ve served on several Boards including terms as President of the New Hampshire Partners in Service for Children, Youth, and Families and President of the New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness. Under my leadership, in 2003, my organization was awarded the Walter J. Dunfey Award for Excellence in Management.
In my clinical work, I’ve served as an individual, group, and family therapist. I bring to that work my unique integration of major psychological theories, psychotherapeutic models, and wilderness awareness training.
You’ll find a copy of my resume at the bottom of this page.
On a personal note, I’m married to Caroline Durr, who along with being a highly experienced educator, hosts meditation classes. Recordings of her guided meditations can now be found on this website.
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Disclaimer Notice:
Please note that the information contained within this website is for educational and self-development purposes only. It is not intended to replace the benefits, or in some cases the need, for direct work with a qualified therapist. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied.
The self-development model presented is intended to give people the ability to strategize their own situation and pick effective tools and techniques. Not every technique described in this document is going to be appropriate for every reader. Please heed cautions that some techniques might be contra-indicated for readers who experience significant disassociative disorders.
Likewise, for helping professionals, nothing in this website is intended to replace the benefits, or the need, for direct supervision and knowledge of your agency’s policies, procedures, and practices.