The Bear Clan Path of The Chief (3)

The Practice Effect

To change your own brain, practice is essential.

This video explains how practicing something results in the same neural pathways in the brain being used. As these pathways experience more and more electrical activity, they grow larger and increase in their capacity to carry a charge.

We all know that practicing a behavior makes it easier to do that behavior.

It works the same way for emotions and cognitions.

The more we experience specific emotional states, the easier it becomes to enter those states. “Practice” being angry, and you get “better” at being angry. You’ll be able to get angry more easily.

“Practice” various negative thoughts, and those thoughts will more easily pop into your head.

So make sure you practice positive feelings and positive thoughts.

When Deer Had Rabbit Clear the Brambles

The Strategic Change Compass - Part 1 of 3

buffalo on white flipped

One day Deer went to Chief Buffalo with a problem. “Chief Buffalo,” said Deer, “there is an important part of the forest that is so thick with brambles that it forces the deer into just a few paths. This makes it too easy for wolves to catch us. What can be done about this?”

Buffalo thought about this for a bit and said, “I am a creature of the open plains. While it is true that I am Chief of all the hooved animals, you, Deer, must act as a chief for the forest animals. Who among the forest animals is going to want to help you with your wolf problem? You should ask that animal for help. A Chief needs to be able to delegate.”

“That is a very good idea,” said Deer, excited at the prospect of being able to delegate this problem to someone else. “I will ask Rabbit. I’ve noticed that Rabbit spends a lot of time in the brambles, hiding from the wolves.”

The next day Deer went and spoke to Rabbit about the problem created by the brambles. Rabbit pointed out that one reason the paths through the brambles remain clear is because rabbits will eat the young vegetation that sprouts up along the path edges. However, to completely clear out the brambles would be a huge job and would require a lot more rabbits.

Deer went back to Chief Buffalo for more advice.

“I think that you need help in learning how to manage a project and how to delegate,” said Chief Buffalo. “It is important that you have a clear understanding of your values and what you wish to achieve.”

“That’s simple enough,” said Deer. “I want to get rid of those brambles.”

“I thought you said the problem was the wolves finding it too easy to catch you deer?” asked Buffalo.

“Oh, I see what you mean,” said Deer, who was becoming very excited at the idea of acting like a chief. “What else do I need to do to delegate this problem?

The Bear Clan Path of The Chief (2)

The Four Parts of the Brain

Any journey, whether physical or one of inner transformation, can go better with a bit of preparation.

In the language of Cognitive Psychology, the Path of The Chief is the path toward strengthening the brain’s executive skills. These brain functions include things like planning, working memory, metacognition, response inhibition, task initiation, goal-directed persistence, and especially self-regulation of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. See the Bear Clan Domain Compass for a fuller explanation.

In the language of Depth Psychology, the Path of The Chief is the path toward strengthening the archetype of The Chief. People are born with an innate, universal, and hereditary understanding of various concepts. Archetypes are like phone apps or computer subroutines or even sub-personalities.

These mental constructs are in charge of different aspects of our minds. It can be an unruly collection of different “voices” that we all, at times, have speaking in our head. It’s The Chief’s job to plan, organize, coordinate, and lead the parts of the brain that are in charge of emotions, cogntions, and behaviors.

In the language of Shamanism, the Path of the Chief begins in the East, the domain of Eagle (see the Shaman’s Compass). We begin with trying to give a client a vision of where the journey is headed. This vision needs to be inspiring enough to provide some sense of hope and motivation to walk the path, to do the work. We begin to tell the story of the heroic journey that is about to commence.

The Bear Clan Path of The Chief (1)

The First Step - Make a Decision

Welcome to The Bear Clan Path of The Chief Video series!

This video’s an introduction to the series. The material in this series is designed to:

  • reinforce teachings for students I’m currently mentoring.
  • give child therapists and other helping professionals a chance to see one way to present Bear Clan teachings to kids.
  • present Bear Clan teachings in a style that is intended for kids.