Episode 44 on the Chaining Technique for Cognitive Processing is now available

Episode 44 of the Becoming Centered podcast presents the third installment of the Processing Pathway, covering the technique known as “chaining.”  Chaining is a great way to add a visual element to cognitive processing.  It lays out a series of links representing a chain of behaviors and feelings that led to a child or youth having to be separated from their peers.  Once the sequence of links has been clarified, the key link that represents a realistic “choice point” is identified.  This link represents the point in the sequence where the client could have made a different choice that likely would have resulted in a better outcome.  Typical choice point behaviors include things like, asking for a check-in, asking to take space, or using some established coping mechanism.  An explanatory handout and illustration is available at https://www.bearclanllc.com/podcasts/the-processing-pathway/.

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