The Becoming Centered Podcast is a field guide for professionals seeking perspectives and techniques for helping others find their balanced path. It’s also for people who want to learn the self-counseling pathways, navigation tools, and practices to live a centered life.

Organized into several series, this podcast focuses on:

  • understanding the territory of personal psychology,
  • tools and techniques for counseling others in how to develop a centered and balanced life, and
  • tools and techniques for navigating your own emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and self-regulation challenges.

If you prefer to simply access the podcasts in publication order you can go to the archive on The Becoming Centered Podcast hosting site: Archive of Published Episodes

Season 2 Series:

The Processing Pathway Series

The Processing Pathway is all about how to help kids process their own use of problem-behaviors. With structured guidance from staff, they can learn how to understand their own patterns of behaviors in a way that leads to increased self-control and self-regulation of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

The Unit Supervision Pathway Series

The Unit Supervision pathway starts with a focus on how to create the time for all direct-care staff to receive several hours of individual supervision each month. It then moves on to how to structure the supervision time and then what content to cover in supervision. It presents a combination of management training and techniques, tools, and perspectives for how to teach counseling skills.

Season 1 Series:

Residential Counselor Orientation Series

Consisting of 6 episodes, the Residential Counselor Orientation Series is designed for the new Residential Counselor. It introduces a way to understand your role, your relationship with clients and other counselors, and introduces some basic tools for becoming a skilled Residential Counselor.

Residential 101 Series

Consisting of 7 episodes, the Residential Counselor 101 Series is designed for direct care staff working in a residential treatment program. It approaches the material from the perspective that listeners don’t have a formal education in psychology, social work, early education, or some related field. Rather, it focuses on the training needs of people who are new to the field of residential treatment. It provides some grounding in the science behind the tools and techniques that make up the craft of providing a treatment experience to troubled children and youth. However, the stronger focus, over the course of the entire series, is on the practical tools and techniques that are the craft behind the art of providing kids with a positive transformational experience.

Residential Tools and Techniques Series

Consisting of 15 episodes, this series will present the use of various tools and techniques that can be used by residential counselors and others to help kids become emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally centered. These tools also help develop kids’ executive skills so that they become more independently able to become centered. 

Residential Treatment Issues Series

Consisting of 11 episodes, this series focuses on various topics that arise in residential treatment.

Episodes Guide:

Descriptions of the Series and the Episodes