Fearsome, Courageous and the Deadly Fire

Part 3 of the Two-Wolves Story Arc

Bear on white

“Did Eagle help you see more clearly what Raven meant about the two wolves that live inside all human beings?” Bear asked Kit.

“I think so,” said Kit. “Eagle explained that the wolf called Fearsome will feed upon the 7 Fears of all People, while the wolf called Courageous will feed upon the 7 Gifts of the Elders.”

“Eagle has always been one to see the big picture and the details. What did Eagle have to say about the Fears and the Gifts?”, asked Bear.

“Eagle spoke about Fear-of-The-Cold, which is the fear that you will not thrive or even survive the basic challenges of the world. It is the fear we feel when everything is not perfect around us. Eagle also spoke about Fear-of-Being-Alone, which is the fear that no one else will be there to help you. It is the fear that you will be abandoned.”

“What of the 7 Gifts?” asked Bear.

“Eagle spoke about the Gifts of Respect and Love. Others can treat us with respect. They can see that we all have needs. We all need shelter, water, food, and warmth. Others can help us feel loved so that even when we are alone we still know that we belong to a larger group that will look out for us.”

“That makes sense,” said Bear. “And it fits with a story that I’ve heard about the wolves Fearsome and Courageous…

“Long ago there was a great council of wolves. The alpha wolf had died. There were two wolves that the others looked to as the next possible alpha, the next pack leader, Fearsome and Courageous.

“The wolves met at their council spot and debated who should lead them. So caught up were they in considering the merits of following Fearsome or Courageous, that they were stunned to realize that a deadly forest fire had almost surrounded their meeting spot!

“We must flee!, screamed Fearsome. The fire will choke our lungs! It’s heat will pull the water from our bodies! It’s flames will burn our fur and flesh!

“Stop and think!, called out Courageous. If we stay calm and stay together there is a path for all of us to escape to safety!

“I am leaving now!, growled Fearsome. Unless you wish to die alone, you will follow me!

“You are my beloved brothers and sisters, said Courageous. None will be left alone. We must stay together.

“With the smell of smoke beginning to fill the air, Fearsome took off. A group of other wolves quickly followed.

“Stalker, said Courageous. You are our greatest scout. You will take point and find the path to safety. Swift Runner and Fleet Foot, you are our fastest warriors. You will stay on the flanks and guard any who might lose the path. The rest will stay in the middle, especially our younger wolves and cubs. I will go last. Look out for one another. No one gets left behind. We will all find safety together. Let’s go!

“When Courageous, and all those who ran with Courageous, reached safety, across a wide river, they found Fearsome and some of the other wolves already on the other side. Sadly, three of the wolves that tried to follow Fearsome became separated and lost. Later, their bodies would be found where they fell to the fire….”

“You and Eagle have given me a lot to think about,” said Kit. “What of the other Fears and Gifts? What else feeds Fearsome and Courageous?”

“Eagle has given you the big picture,” said Bear. “Now you must seek out the Spirit-Keeper of the South to discover more about the 7 Fears and the 7 Gifts.”

“Who is the Spirit-Keeper of the South and how do I find that person?” asked Kit.

“Head to the south-lands. I’m sure if you ask around you’ll find the Spirit-Keeper. Remember, all the animals promised to help you. Be like Eagle. Find the high places and look for the big picture. Then focus in on the details. Pay attention and you will discover more of what it means to be a human being. Come back and share what you learn.”

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