Kit Asks Eagle About the Two Wolves

Part 2 of The Two-Wolves Story Arc

american-bald-eagle on white
After hearing from Raven that two wolves live inside all human beings, Kit was feeling confused.

“Bear,” said Kit, “I’ve been thinking about what Raven said about two wolves, Fearsome and Courageous, battling inside all human beings. You said that whichever one you feed will eventually win.”

“Well… seems to me that whichever one gets the most food will become the strongest,” said Bear. “But, I must admit that I don’t understand how two wolves, even if they were very tiny, could fit inside your body!”

“Silly Bear. I know that Raven didn’t mean real wolves.”

“Raven is a tricky one. You always have to think long and hard about Raven’s teachings. Raven is a transformer and has a way of changing a person,” said Bear.

“Maybe I should ask Raven to explain?” said Kit.

“I think you’d be better off asking Eagle. Eagle is the Chief of All the Birds and Spirit-Keeper of the East. If anyone can make sense of Raven – it is Eagle,” said Bear.

“Okay,” said Kit, “how do I find Eagle?”

“Head east, toward the rising sun and look for the high spots. That’s where you’ll find Eagle.”

So Kit set out to ask Eagle about Raven’s two wolves.

Kit traveled to the East, and climbed the highest peaks. After a long climb, overlooking a tremendous view, Kit found Eagle. Kit shared what Raven had said about human beings having two wolves, Fearsome and Courageous, inside of them.

“I think Bear is right,” said Eagle. “Whichever one you feed will grow stronger. But what do these two wolves feed upon? I think that Fearsome must feed upon the 7 Fears. That means that Courageous must feed upon the 7 Gifts.”

“Chief Eagle, what are these 7 Fears and 7 Gifts?” asked Kit.

“There are many fears, but there are 7 that all beings share. As Spirit-Keeper of the East it is fitting that I tell you about the beginnings of these fears. When our young are still in their eggs, it is vital that we keep them warm. When they hatch, it is natural to feel Fear-of-The-Cold.”

“But Eagle,” said Kit, “Human Beings don’t hatch from eggs.”

“It makes no difference. It is like the two wolves. They are a type of truth…, but they are not actual wolves somehow living inside your body. All people, when they are first born, are very helpless and will naturally feel Fear-of-the-Cold. It is not just cold. It is everything in the world that will harm a newborn without the shelter of a parent and a safe home. Some beings never get past that fear. They become full of that fear. They become Fearsome.”

“I don’t think that I have Fear-of-the-Cold,” said Kit. “When I was born my parents kept me very safe and warm.”

“When Raven first found you, hadn’t you just spent a cold night all alone in the woods?” said Eagle.

“That is true,” said Kit. “I guess, maybe, I do have some of that fear in me.”

“That is a wise thing to say,” said Eagle. “All beings have some of Fear-of-the-Cold in them. It is the fear that you cannot survive the world.”

“I see,” said Kit.

“The second fear that all beings have is Fear-of-Being-Alone. Before our chicks can fly, their parents have to leave them alone to get food. All chicks fear that their parents will not return.”

“My parents left and did not return…,” said Kit, in a tiny voice.

“That is sad,” said Eagle. “It is good that you now have Bear to be your parent. Also, remember that at the Great-Council-of-Animals all the animals vowed to look out for you. You belong.”

“Will I always feel sad?”

“Part of you, part of all beings, will always feel Fear-of-Being-Alone and so part of you will always feel sad. But, that is where the 7 Gifts can help,” said Eagle.

“What are these 7 Gifts?”, asked Kit.

“I will tell you about the first two gifts, Respect and Love. Respect is when others recognize that you have needs and try to meet those needs. Your body has certain needs like shelter, water, food, and warmth. When we are young or hurt we need to be taken care of and kept safe. When others give us the Gift of Respect it makes the Fear-of-the-Cold melt.

“When a parent bird respects how a helpless baby bird needs food, that baby bird does not fear the cold. Feathers are very warm, but nothing warms up a bird like having a full tummy!

“But then the parent has to leave again, and that is when Fear-of-Being-Alone is felt. The baby will worry that the parent bird may not return. That is why the parent bird must teach the baby that it is loved. With the Gift of Love that baby will not worry so much about being alone. With the Gift of Love that baby will not feel so alone.”

“I think I understand,” said Kit. “But how can a person get the gifts of Respect and Love from others?”

“Sadly,” said Eagle, “some beings have become lost, and their spirits have become twisted. Deep down these beings are so full of fear that they cannot see the power of the 7 Gifts. But most beings are not like that. Most beings were given these gifts by their elders and will give you the gifts of Respect and Love. If you treat others with Respect and Love, these people will also give those gifts to you.”

“I think that is how it is with me and Bear,” said Kit, with a shy smile.

“That is good,” said Eagle. “It is said that all beings should treat their young as good as Bear does. When a person experiences Respect and Love and gives that gift to another, a sense of belonging is created. That feeling of being part of something is what gives a person courage to explore the world.”

“What about the other Gifts?”, asked Kit.

“I think that is enough teachings for today,” said Eagle. “Think about what you have learned today. Where the wolf called Fearsome will feed on your fears, and grow stronger, the wolf called Courageous will feed on Respect and Love. If you wish to be courageous then try to always show others respect and love and they will give those gifts to you as well.”

“When you are ready, look for the Spirit-Keeper of the South. Seek out that Spirit-Keeper to learn more about the 7 Fears and the 7 Gifts.”

“Thank you, Eagle,” said Kit. “I think that it is better to be courageous than fearsome. I will try to treat others with Respect and Love.”

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